Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day Two Dolly Sods - Happy Trails

Big thanks to Gene and to Joanna, to Dave and Jeff for driving, Dave's wife for sharing her comfy car, Jim, John, Jody, Jay, Lou, Steve, Karen, Beth, Maryan, Chad, Giles, Mac, Roger, Lynn, Tammy, Liz, Abdul, and who I forgot though loved being in the woods with.

Day One Hike Two - Seneca Rocks

Even the tourist trail left me lagging, though still able to reach the top of the rock I'd only driven by.

Long time No Blog - Day One, North Mtn.


 Staging a small house to picture perfection for a H + G tour and 1260 visitors after a 3 year restoration, changed hike, shoot and blog time to a spring of house mania I'm still coming out of. When West Virginia called, Gene's invitation to join 25 happy hikers for two days was answered without hesitation, just denial that a certain slack level of conditioning could go so much farther south so fast.

Despite harsh lighting the lure of photography offered cover after being dusted by said hikers just about the time we reached mountain laurel height with full bloom coming on and lichens frilling.

Sun shone to the 80's, pine needled shade smelled sweet, and wading cold Red Creek on day 2 refreshed. A good time was truly had by all and few, if any, discouraging words were heard. 25 hikers, a few dogs, a mellow leader running a tight ship, an alert sweep, funky accommodations WV style, up and down trails - what more could you ask.